197 High Street Kensington - EH Smith

197 High Street Kensington


This new retail and office building is sited on a narrow end of terrace site on Kensington High Street. This replaces the existing dilapidated building to provide a retail unit on the ground and basement levels, with four floors of office space above.

The building has been designed as a heavyweight structure, with loadbearing brickwork laid in Flemish bond supporting pigmented concrete lintels with a feature scalloped face. The base of the building is expressed with bricks glazed using a bespoke recipe developed in conjunction with EH Smith and St Joris, the manufacturer. The scheme lifts this prominent street corner with a finely crafted contextual building.

Location: London

Architect: Stiff + Trevillion

Contractors: Myco Contracts

Products used on this case study

Capella - Kings Cross

Friaris Primary Foundation School