Architect: Studio Kyson / Aros Architects
Contractors: HG Construction
Location: London
Architect: Allies and Morrison / Chapman Taylor
Contractors: Laing O'Rourke
Location: London
Architect: Fletcher Priest
Contractors: Blenheim House Construction
Location: London
Architect: Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands
Contractors: ISG / Galostar
Location: London
Architect: Allies and Morrison
Contractors: McLaren / Grangewood Brickwork
Location: London
Architect: Allford Hall Monaghan Morris / Morris + Co / Stanton Williams / DSDHA
Contractors: Skanska / Lyons & Annoot / Techrete
Location: London
Architect: Allford Hall Monaghan Morris
Contractors: Bouygues (UK) Ltd / Galostar
Location: London
Architect: dRMM
Contractors: Morgan Sindall / A2O Cladding
Location: St Neots
Architect: Sir Giles Gilbert Scott & J. Theo Halliday / Wilkinson Eyre
Contractors: John Mowlem & Co / Mace
Location: London
Architect: Emrys Architects
Contractors: McLaren / Swift Brickwork Contractors Ltd / Putney & Wood / Blou Construction
Location: London
Architect: Simpson Haugh and Partners
Contractors: George Downing Construction
Location: Coventry
Architect: Associated Architects
Contractors: Volker Fitzpatrick
Location: Birmingham
Architect: Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners / AFK Architects
Contractors: ISG / Metallbau Früh
Location: London
Architect: Glancy Nicholls
Contractors: Torsion Group
Location: Birmingham
Architect: Hopkins Architects
Contractors: John Graham Construction
Location: Eton
Architect: Hugh Broughton Architects
Contractors: Sir Robert McAlpine / AVV Solutions
Location: London
Architect: PRP Architects
Contractors: Taylor Wimpey / Chine Brickwork
Location: London
Architect: Studio Partington / Calford Seaden
Contractors: Populo Living / ARJ Construction
Location: London
Architect: Morris + Co
Contractors: Skanska / Skonto / Swift Brickwork
Location: London
Architect: Alan Camp Architects
Contractors: Hambridge Homes
Location: London
Architect: Ben Pentreath and Associates, William Smalley RIBA & PDP London
Contractors: Mace / Lesterose Builders
Location: London
Architect: Pattern Architects
Contractors: Buckingham Group
Location: Worcester
Architect: Associated Architects
Contractors: Morgan Sindall Construction
Location: Birmingham
Architect: Stiff + Trevillion
Contractors: Myco Contracts
Location: London
Architect: Brisac Gonzalez / Arquitectonica / tp bennett
Contractors: Swift Brickwork Contractors Ltd
Location: London
Architect: CZWG Architects
Contractors: Bowmer & Kirkland / Keyclad
Location: London
Architect: Nicholas Kirk Architects / Dowen Farmer Architects
Contractors: Artform
Location: London
Architect: Stride Treglown
Contractors: Kier Construction Southwest Region
Location: Plymouth
Architect: Glancy Nicholls Architects / Glenn Howells Architects
Contractors: Vinci / Caxton Builders
Location: Birmingham
Architect: Maber Architects
Contractors: BAM Construction
Location: Birmingham
Architect: Hawkins\Brown
Contractors: Laing O'Rourke
Location: London
Architect: Holder Mathias
Contractors: ISG / Britannia Site Solutions
Location: Cardiff
Architect: Allford Hall Monaghan Morris
Contractors: Skanska / Portcliff Building Services
Location: Bristol
Architect: Mountford Piggott
Contractors: McLaren / Grangewood Brickwork
Location: London
Architect: Eric Parry Architects
Contractors: Mace / Lyons & Annoot
Location: London
Architect: Lyons+Sleeman+Hoare
Contractors: Beard Construction
Location: Oxford
Architect: Associated Architects
Contractors: Willmott Dixon
Location: Birmingham
Architect: Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
Contractors: Galliford Try / Caxton Builders
Location: Birmingham
Architect: Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
Contractors: John Sisk & Son / FKN Facades
Location: Manchester
Architect: AHR Architects
Contractors: BAM Construction
Location: Taunton
Architect: Hamson Barron Smith
Contractors: RG Carter Construction
Location: Norwich
Architect: Allford Hall Monaghan Morris (AHMM)
Contractors: Mace / Grants Precast / Lyons & Annoot
Location: London
Architect: O'Donnell + Tuomey
Contractors: Swift Brickwork Contractors Ltd
Location: London
Architect: Allford Hall Monaghan Morris
Contractors: Berkeley Homes
Location: London
Architect: alma-nac
Contractors: David Stewart Building Contractor
Location: London
Architect: BDP, Allies & Morrison, Dixon Jones, Panter Hudspith and Glenn Howells Architects
Contractors: Laing O'Rourke
Location: Oxford
Architect: Corstophine & Wright
Contractors: Bowmer & Kirkland
Location: Lincoln
Architect: Allford Hall Monaghan Morris
Contractors: Whitfield and Brown (Developments)
Location: Liverpool
Architect: Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands
Contractors: Mace
Location: London
Architect: Karakusevic Carson Architects (KCA) and ECE
Contractors: Bouygues
Location: London
Architect: ShedKM & TP Bennett
Contractors: Henry Construction
Location: Brighton
Architect: Squire & Partners
Contractors: Chalegrove Properties / Deep Contractors Ltd.
Location: London
Architect: Steffian Bradley / John Simpson Architects / Purcell
Contractors: Interserve / Lee Marley Brickwork
Location: Loughborough
Architect: David Miller Architects (DMA)
Contractors: Latimer Homes / United Living
Architect: WHAT_architecture
Contractors: Game of Architecture Ltd
Location: London
Architect: Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
Contractors: BAM Construction
Location: Plymouth
Architect: PRP Architects
Contractors: John Sisk & Sons / Techrete
Location: London
Architect: Allford Hall Monaghan Morris
Contractors: McLaren Construction / Grangewood Brickwork
Location: London
Architect: CZWG Architects
Contractors: Galliard Homes / Openwood / Commercial Roofing
Location: London
Architect: Rolfe Judd
Contractors: Buckingham Group / FP McCann
Location: London
Architect: SimpsonHaugh & Partners / Falconer Chester Hall
Contractors: Watkin Jones / Conneely Group
Location: London
Architect: Bennetts Associates
Contractors: Gilbert Ash
Location: London
Architect: Broadway Malyan
Contractors: Hutton Construction
Location: Cambridge
Architect: Maccreanor Lavington
Contractors: Feltham Construction
Architect: Allford Hall Monaghan Morris
Contractors: Lyons & Annoot
Location: London
Architect: Axis Architecture
Contractors: ISG / Marlborough Brickwork Ltd
Location: Sheffield
Architect: HTA Architects
Contractors: Hill Partnerships
Location: London
Architect: INC Design
Contractors: Ruskin Properties
Location: Halesowen
Architect: ONE Creative Environments
Contractors: Speller Metcalfe
Architect: Glancy Nicholls Architects
Contractors: Morgan Sindall
Location: Birmingham
Architect: KKA Architecture
Contractors: RG Group / Ferguson Construction
Location: London
Architect: Brownhill Hayward Brown
Contractors: Grace Construction
Location: Derby
Architect: Pollard Thomas Edwards
Contractors: Regal Homes
Location: London
Architect: Murphy Phillips Architects
Contractors: Galliford Try
Location: London
Architect: Broadway Maylan
Contractors: Woodhurst Construction / Galliford Try
Location: Woking
Architect: Squire & Partners
Contractors: Multiplex / Lyons & Anoot
Location: London
Architect: Wilmore Isles
Contractors: Interserve / Techrete
Location: Durham
Architect: Allies and Morrison
Contractors: Barratt Homes / David Wilson Homes
Location: Cambridge
Architect: Nicholas Hare Architects
Contractors: Speller Metcalfe
Architect: MICA
Contractors: BAM Construction / Caxton Builders
Location: Oxford
Architect: Sheppard Robson
Contractors: Sir Robert McAlpine / Techrete.
Location: London
Architect: Jestico & Whiles / PRP Architects
Contractors: Hill Partnerships / CCS Facades Ltd
Location: London
Architect: Allford Hall Monaghan Morris (AHMM)
Contractors: Weston Homes
Location: London
Architect: Roberts Limbrick
Contractors: Rydon Construction
Location: Swindon
Architect: Hazle McCormack Young LLP (HMY)
Contractors: Baxall Construction / ICS
Architect: Rolfe Judd Architects
Contractors: Blenheim House and Grangewood Brickwork
Location: London
Architect: Hazle McCormack Young LLP (HMY)
Location: Chatham, Kent
Architect: Allford Hall Monaghan Morris (AHMM)
Contractors: McLaren Construction
Location: London
Architect: Peter Barber Architects
Contractors: Lakehouse Construction
Location: London
Architect: PRP
Contractors: Farrans Construction / AVV Solutions
Location: London
Architect: Penoyre & Prasad
Contractors: Clarke Facades
Location: Welwyn Garden City
Architect: Pollard Thomas Edwards
Contractors: Quadrant Construction
Location: London
Architect: DSDHA / EPR Architects
Contractors: Berkeley Homes / M Price
Location: London
Architect: Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands / Sheppard Robson
Contractors: Quadrant Construction
Location: London
Architect: Glenn Howells Architects
Contractors: Seddon
Location: Wilmslow
Architect: Glenn Howells Architects
Contractors: Crest Nicholson
Location: Birmingham
Architect: PRP Architects
Contractors: Galliford Try Construction
Location: Stratford upon Avon
Architect: Nicholas Hare Architects
Contractors: Mace / Swift Brickwork
Location: London
Architect: Eric Parry Architects
Contractors: Galliford Try
Location: London
Architect: Squire & Partners
Contractors: St William (Berkeley Group)
Location: London
Architect: CTG Consultancy
Contractors: Lakehouse Contracts Ltd
Location: London
Architect: Glenn Howells Architects
Contractors: Stepnells
Location: Birmingham
Architect: Associated Architects
Contractors: Willmott Dixon
Location: Birmingham
Architect: Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands
Contractors: Interserve
Location: Birmingham
Architect: Haworth Tompkins
Contractors: RG Carter
Location: Cambridge
Architect: AHR Architects
Contractors: Galliford Try
Location: Chelmsford
Architect: Associated Architects
Contractors: Galliford Try
Location: Birmingham
Architect: Scott Brownrigg & PRP Architects
Contractors: Berkeley Group / Lee Marley Brickwork
Location: London
Architect: Glancy Nicholls Architects
Contractors: Balfour Beatty
Location: Birmingham
Architect: ADP LLP
Contractors: Morgan Sindall
Location: Birmingham
Architect: Emoli petroschka
Contractors: Allenbuild Ltd South East
Location: London
Architect: Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
Contractors: John Sisk & Son
Location: Manchester
Architect: Squire and Partners & Broadway Malyan
Contractors: St George
Location: London
Architect: John Simpson Architects
Contractors: Szerelemy Conservation / Chichester Stoneworks Ltd
Location: Larkhill
Architect: Flanagan Lawrence
Contractors: Lyons & Annoot
Location: London
Architect: Broadway Malyan
Contractors: BAM Constuction
Location: Coventry
Architect: Aedas RHWL
Contractors: Explore Manufacturing - Laing O'Rourke
Location: Stoke on Trent
Architect: Glenn Howells Architects
Contractors: Galliford Try
Location: Manchester
Architect: Allies & Morrison
Contractors: Bowmer & Kirkland / Creagh Concrete
Location: Coventry
Architect: Eric Parry Architects
Contractors: Bouygues
Location: Cambridge
Architect: Bennetts Associates
Contractors: Mace / Thorpe Precast
Location: Stratford upon Avon
Architect: Allies & Morrison / David Woods
Contractors: Mount Anvil
Location: London
Architect: Sheppard Robson
Contractors: BAM Construction / Phoenix Brickwork (UK) Ltd
Location: Birmingham
Architect: John Simpson Architects
Contractors: Feltham Construction / Lee Marley Brickwork
Location: Eton
Architect: Peter Barber Architects
Contractors: Willmott Dixon
Location: London
Architect: Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands and Sheppard Robson
Contractors: Sir Robert McAlpine
Location: London
Architect: William Saunders Partnership
Contractors: Baggaley Construction
Location: Nottingham
Architect: Gatti Routh Rhodes
Contractors: Grangewood Brickwork Services Ltd
Location: London
Architect: Associated Architects
Contractors: Morgan Sindall
Location: Coventry
Architect: PWP Architects
Contractors: BAM Construction
Location: Studley, Warwickshire
Architect: Glenn Howells / Powell Dobson
Contractors: United Living / Taylor Wimpey
Location: London
Architect: Alan Camp Architects
Contractors: Durkan Construction
Location: London
Architect: Chapman Waterworth
Contractors: Faithdean / Swift Brickwork
Location: London
Architect: Feilden Clegg Bradley / JM Architects
Contractors: John Sisk & Son
Location: Manchester
Architect: Lewis & Hickey
Contractors: Galliford Try / Speedclad
Location: Coventry
Architect: Pollard Thomas Edwards
Contractors: Bugler Developments
Location: London
Architect: Glenn Howells
Contractors: BAM Construction
Location: Birmingham
Architect: BPN (Bryant Priest Newman) Architects
Location: Welford on Avon
Architect: Powell Dobson
Contractors: Taylor Wimpey / Midgard
Location: London
Architect: Adam Architecture
Contractors: Blenheim House Construction
Location: London
Architect: Timothy Associates
Contractors: Anglo Holt / Gilbert Ash
Location: London
Architect: BM3 Architecture
Contractors: Wilmott Dixon Housing
Location: Leamington Spa
Architect: Jestico + Whiles & Peter Barber Architects
Contractors: Countryside Properties
Location: London
Architect: Glancy Nicholls Architects
Contractors: Torsion Group
Location: Birmingham
Architect: Nicholas Hare Architects
Contractors: Mace
Location: Binfield
Architect: Riches Hawley Mikhail (Mikhail Riches)
Contractors: Barnes Webster & Sons
Location: London
Architect: Carey Jones Chapman Tolcher (CJCT)
Contractors: Wates Construction
Location: London
Architect: Emmett Russell
Contractors: Melhuish & Saunders Ltd
Location: Bristol
Architect: Arkheion Architects
Contractors: Downing Developments
Location: Liverpool
Architect: Mountford Pigott
Contractors: Buckingham Group
Location: Stratford upon Avon
Architect: Pollard Thomas Edwards
Contractors: Rydon Construction
Location: Sutton
Architect: Porphyrios Associates, Allies & Morrison, Sidell Gibson Partnership, Stanton Williams, Benoy, Anthony Peake Associates, Associated Architects, Glenn Howells Architects, Hulme Upright Weedon
Contractors: BAM Construction / Kier Construction
Location: Birmingham
Architect: Short Associates
Contractors: Totty Construction (now ISG)
Location: Coventry
Architect: Roberts Limbrick Architects
Contractors: Seddon Construction
Location: Tewkesbury
Architect: Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Contractors: Seddon Construction
Location: Oldbury
Architect: Nicol Thomas
Contractors: Vistry Partnerships
Location: Solihull
Architect: Johnson Design Partnership
Contractors: Thomas Vale Construction
Location: Northampton
Architect: Graham Seabrook Partnerships
Contractors: Donban Contracting UK Ltd
Location: London