Morecambe Street - EH Smith

Morecambe Street


The site is located on the corner of Morecambe Street and Browning Street in Walworth, Southwark. The scheme consists of two houses with integral studio space at ground floor.

The street elevations onto Browning Street have an elongated brown brick façade onto which bespoke metal patterned decorative panels by the sculptor Sokari Douglas Camp CBE .

The brickwork onto the garden is a contrasting white brick with a pattern created with glass blocks. Climbing plants will then be encouraged to grow over this facade, forming a green wall. The building wall along Morecambe Street has been extended to frame the mature fig and cherry trees in the garden beyond, and add prominence to the corner elevation.

Geobrick, which is exclusive to EH Smith in the UK, was the natural choice to accentuate the linear in a crisp and robust way. Geobrick was also used as a paver in the garden area to create a contemporary landscaped area.

Images courtesy of Ininaa Camp

Location: London

Architect: Alan Camp Architects

Contractors: Cablesheer

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