Global Inspiration: Textilverband, Münster - EH Smith

Global Inspiration: Textilverband, Münster

Name: Global Inspiration: Textilverband, Münster

Architect: Behet Bondzio Lin Architekten

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The design concept of the building for the Association of the Northwest German Textile and Garment Industry aims to provide all employees with a view of the picturesque landscape to the north and to welcome those arriving from the south with a strong textile image.

The inspiration for the brick facade is the alabaster fold of the Beethoven statue by Max Klinger, which is located in the Leipzig Bilder Museum. Max Klinger created a paradoxical perception here. The viewer sees a seemingly fluent light scarf over the knees of Beethoven and recognizes at the same time that it consists of solid stone. Following this image, behet bondzio lin architekten employ six special bricks with a gradient that increases in gradient, creating a seemingly moving facade of light and shadow. The analogy to a light cloth over which the wind blows arises.

Deppe Backstein, exclusive partners of EH Smith in the UK, manfactured thousands of special shaped bricks which were calculated by parametric design software. Coupled with expert craftsmen bricklayers the effect is simply stunning!